Friday, November 14, 2008
Flyin' high above Chico and surrounding areas
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Hope Begins with Me -- Great Reminder...

Hope Begins With You
Dwelling on the troubles of the world may make you feel heavy today, which may be because you feel that there is little that you can do to make things better. While your feelings are natural, you might remind yourself that it is not really possible to save the world, but it is possible to contribute positively to the world through your thoughts and actions. Perhaps you can consciously incorporate “right action,” a spiritual practice in which you make a point to do no harm to another being, into your day today. As you try doing right action, you may notice that there are small ways in which you can have a positive impact on the world around you, such as by helping a stranger, recycling, or making more conscientious choices. If you can feel that you are part of the solution for a better world, you may find that your concerns about the larger issues in the world dissolve.
Right action is a powerful way to live our lives. So often we go about our day unaware of the effect our actions have on other people. We might, for example, gossip about someone else or unknowingly rebuff another person. The more we recognize our actions, the more steps we can take to transform what we do in order to put more constructive and nurturing energy out into the world. Changing the way you interact with others today will be a catalyst for greater positive transformation and hope for the world as a whole.
Right action is a powerful way to live our lives. So often we go about our day unaware of the effect our actions have on other people. We might, for example, gossip about someone else or unknowingly rebuff another person. The more we recognize our actions, the more steps we can take to transform what we do in order to put more constructive and nurturing energy out into the world. Changing the way you interact with others today will be a catalyst for greater positive transformation and hope for the world as a whole.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lassen National Park 2008

New Discovery...
Steven and I spent some time recently at a newly discovered hot spring that we were told about by a friend of ours. It is a place where silence is golden and I found my reset button! We soaked in the mineral water and lounged near the pool most of the day discovering that being quiet is one of the best ways to rejuvenate ones soul. I found myself energized and yet, at the very same time, deeply relaxed. We fixed our meals in the community kitchen, sipped wine and enjoyed mingling with others while preparing our meals. It is a truly enjoyable and unique place!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
First day of school -- 2008
Today is the first day of Kelsey and Heather's sophomore year at Chico High. They were so excited to start school today! They went to bed fairly early (9ish) last night and were up before 6 this morning ~ I, on the other hand, was also up but not so energetic...
I did have enough energy however to remember the camera and take some photos to put in the memory book! We are very excited for them ~ Steven was up and left the house at 6. He also starts school today and is in charge of 33 students... He has a busy day ahead!

Monday, July 14, 2008
July 13, 2008

Johnny is up for a visit currently. Steven and I took the kids to Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding for the day last week. We were able to check out the Bodies Revealed exhibit that is currently being displayed there. We also went to the water park to cool off afterwards! It was a fun-filled day!
Steven and I also took a quick trip to San Diego in late June to visit Johnny and help him move into his apartment and furnish it for the Fall semester. He is really excited about his new place and of course, we had to visit San Diego Zoo while there! We had a great time ~

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Land mover...

We have been doing a lot of projects around the house these past two weeks. Our neighbor, Will, has been over to help with grading the back patio. He tore out a couple of huge stumps for us and has moved a massive amount of soil to create a garden space down by the barn as well as a level area behind the kitchen. We are planning to design a patio back there.
We would be working for years if it hadn't been for his generosity! We are very grateful for his friendship ~
Garden Joy 2008

Here are just a few photos of the flowers in my garden this year! I have been a very busy girl these past few months. I have planted 13 roses; 3 double delight in memory of our dear friend Aileen Lightbody who passed away in March. I was also given 7 roses that were removed from a garden on the coast. They are doing great! I enjoy the roses but have to spray "Liquid Fence" to keep the deer at bay... Needless to say, it is worth the effort! They are fragrant and beautiful ~

Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Beautiful postcard like picture...
Snow fell last night...
We woke up to snow this morning. Everything was sugar-coated! It’s beautiful… I love the crunching sound of fresh-fallen snow under my feet…. We have plenty of pine split for next winter, as you can see in the third photo. Steven and I worked together to get the wood split this past Fall, as you will see in prior posts.
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