Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lake 11 ~ Summer 2007

Steven and I were able to escape to one of our favorite spots in the world this summer! We took a whole week and split it between Lake 11 and Ashland Oregon. We rested and relaxed at our camping spot for part of Saturday then took a day hike to the other lakes with the dogs! They swam and enjoyed every minute of it!!

Summer 2007 -- more photos of Lake 11

Steven and I absolutely love this place. It is near Soda Springs and Lake Sterling in Northern California (near Truckee). It is majestic country where the air is pristine and the water crystal clear. On this particular day, we took a day hike and then I napped and read my book. The day lazily crept by from sun up to sun down. The relaxation from that day sank deep ~

puppy fun in the garden in late March 2007

The puppy phase was so much fun! Once they were vaccinated, we were able to bring them outdoors and that was an adventure...as you can see! Sadie (and Woofer) were really instrumental in keeping all 9 in tow. It was such a cute sight!! Happy memories... and such a fun chapter in our life here!

Summer boating 2007

We spent a couple of weekends boating this summer. The girls enjoyed wakeboarding! Johnny came up for a visit and came boating with us twice during his visit. Janice wasn't able to make it up yet as she had job obligations prohibiting her from coming up to visit for more than 2 days. It's a long way to come for such a short visit. She is anxious to spend some time with us on the boat (we are anxious to see her and spend some time together too!!). We look forward to a visit very soon...